Thursday, December 26, 2013

dirty golf jokes

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 These are some of the best Dirty Golf Jokes that I have heard, plus some original ones as well. I have been collecting jokes for more than 15 years, and enjoy sharing the best of them and helping people around the world to have a good laugh.

Dirty Golf Jokes are commonplace in the golfing community, in fact the game of golf wouldn't be the same without dirty golf jokes being told before, during and after the game.

Men love to play golf, and men love to tell dirty jokes. It's only logical then isn't it that there are so many funny golf jokes that are also dirty.

  A nurse noticed a man in golf attire pacing up and down outside the operating room where another golfer who had a golf ball driven down his throat, was being treated.

"Is he a relative of yours?" the nurse, stepping outside the room, asked the pacing golfer.

"No," replied the man, "That's my ball!"

 dirty golf jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

dirty golf jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

dirty golf jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

dirty golf jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

dirty golf jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

dirty golf jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

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