Thursday, December 26, 2013

dirty thanksgiving jokes

dirty thanksgiving jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob


A man and his wife are dining at a table in a plush restaurant, and the husband keeps staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sits alone at a nearby table.
The wife asks, “Do you know her?”
“Yes,” sighs the husband, “She’s my ex-girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up seven years ago, and I hear she hasn’t been sober since.”
“My God!” says the wife, “Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long.”
It was the first time the blonde was eating Thanksgiving dinner without her family. Trying to re-enact the tradition, she prepared a dinner for herself alone. The next day, her mother called to see how everything went.
“Oh, mother, I made myself a lovely dinner, but I had so much trouble trying to eat the turkey!” said the daughter.
“Did it not taste good?” her mother asked.
“I don’t know,” the blonde said. “It wouldn’t sit still!

 dirty thanksgiving jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

dirty thanksgiving jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in u
rdu about men spongbob

dirty thanksgiving jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

dirty thanksgiving jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

dirty thanksgiving jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob

dirty thanksgiving jokes in hindi on girls for teenagers in hindi images in english short tumblr in urdu about men spongbob    


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